THE BOARD 2022-2023
THE BOARD 2021/2022

Hi there! My name is Thais and I am serving as the President in our Chapter this year. I joined European Horizons two years ago and after last years' experience on the board I wanted to contribute to the chapter this year as well. I want to make sure that European policy is accessible and understandable to all. Therefore my main mission as president of the chapter this year, is to provide and easy and accessible way for eager students to get involved and contributing to European Policy.

External Commissioner
Hello! I'm Sofiya. Living in an international environment and experiencing different cultures has enabled me to better understand various perspectives and mentalities. I joined European Horizons to help bridge the gap in policy-making, whilst contributing to discussions on various EU laws and regulations. In the upcoming year, I’d like to establish a neutral ground for communication in Policy-making between those who have diverging views, as many talk but no one listens. I am always down to have an engaging conversation about any relevant subject matter.

Director of Publications
Hi! I’m Céline, I am studying International Relations at Amsterdam University College, and I am this year’s Director of Publications! I am particularly interested in peace and conflict, gender, and human rights, and the interplay between those.
I wish to use my time to manage, expand and diversify the research branch of the Chapter. One of my main projects this year is to create our Chapter’s own academic journal, with annual issues published in June!”

Hi! My name is Chloe, and I’m from Switzerland. I am currently studying PPLE, majoring in Economics, and I’m really excited to be this year’s Treasurer!
I joined the EuH board as I believe that there is a lot to learn from transatlantic relations. So one of my goal this year would be to translate the funds into bespoke, quality events! I also want to foster better understanding of European economics and make it accessible to all!

Events Director
Contemporary political issues within and beyond Europe interest me a lot, especially those that revolve around social justice, multilateral relations, and climate change solutions.
As the Events Director of the board, I am looking forward to organising discussion rounds and informational talks that give an opportunity for engaging discourses. Beyond that there will also be an array of social events for networking among the members, and exciting opportunities for non members to engage, such as the Amsterdam Policy Prize!

Communication Director
Hi, I'm Grace and I'm studying PPLE. I have always been interested in European and transatlantic affairs. I'm very excited to be this year's Communication Director to help with the creative aspect of EUH. My goal for this year is to bring more creativity into our academic output and increase our Internet presence and visibility. Hopefully, we can raise the public awareness of international politics through our social media promotion.
THE BOARD 2021/2022

President (Internal)
Hi there! My name is Martyna and I am serving as the President Internal in our Chapter this year. I will be supervising the organizational flow of our chapter, as well as its structure and attainment of our goals. I am very excited to see where this year takes us and observe the continuous progress our members our making. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions about our Chapter this year! ps. I'm also kinda into European politics

President (External)
Hello! I'm Josephine and I'm thrilled to be the President External this year. I'll be working on our chapter's external relations and external output by collaborating with different organisations and chapters. I am very passionate about the European project and the role today's students have in shaping the its future. On a more personal note, I was born and raised in London to Franco-German parents which led me to grow up with a strong attachment to Europe and what is represents.

Communications Officer
I'm originally from Hungary but due to my studies I lived in the UK then France and now in the Netherlands. I'm currently doing my Communication Science Master Degree, specialising in Political Communication. I'm truly interested in women rights as well as protecting the democratic values of EU member countries. This is why doing the Communication for a Society that focuses on current topics, inclusion and shared values is something that is really important for me. I'm looking forward to working with every of our society members as well as our partners and collaborators.

My cultural and family background has always been hard to explain, so often I’ve just resorted to saying I’m a little from all over Europe, with Spain having been the country issuing my passport. This interconnection in my background is what I would like to project onto my chapter and my position as Treasurer of the Board. I’m currently completing the Honors Bachelor Programme Politics, Psycology, Law and Economics at the University of Amsterdam, specializing in Economics. Often in policies the economic rationell is presented in an unclear way or not even mentioned explicitly, confusing a lot of people who don’t have the background. I would like to make that especially transparent this year and try and make European continental and transatlantic economics accessible and understandable to everyone.

Social Minister
Hi! My name is Roos and I’m Dutch. I study PPLE (Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics) and am following the Law major. Studying PPLE has sparked my interest for all things surrounding the European Union, particularly related to foreign policy, geopolitics, rule of law within the Union and European identity. Therefore, EUH is a perfect opportunity to deepen, widen and perfect my knowledge on European and Transatlantic issues.

Secretary General
Hi, I'm Grace from China and I'm studying PPLE. I have always been interested in European and transatlantic affairs. I'm very excited to be this year's secretary-general to help with the organizational aspect of EUH.
THE BOARD 2019/2020

For the past year, I have been the Secretary in the Amsterdam Chapter of European Horizons.I feel blessed to have been able to meet and work together with such extraordinary people and to contribute to building a platform which allows students to voice their opinion on European and Transatlantic affairs.

My interest in European affairs, particularly in the areas of European integration and identity, resulted in my involvement with European Horizons. My belief that European Horizons, besides being a fascinating student-led policy incubator, provides an exceptional network of students and alumni with similar interests, led me to the position of Deputy Director of Alumni Network for 2020-2021.

Marlinde is a third year Political Science student. She joined European Horizons in her first year, interested by the interdisciplinary research it offered. Her main area of interest is (international) security and associated factors.
THE BOARD 2018/2019

My passion for politics led me to graduate from Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics (PPLE) with a major in Politics. I am especially interested in questions of justice and equality and enjoy engaging with these topics and how they relate to the European Union. Having finished my BSc in PPLE, I am now starting my MSc in Political Theory at the LSE and hope to continue contributing to European Horizons in the future.

Further integration and cooperation are essential for Europe to move forward as a union. The European youth are an integral part of this. I joined European Horizons to discuss and debate interesting topics with students from different academic backgrounds. This helped shape my opinions and views, and strengthened my knowledge of the EU. I believe that the younger generation must play an active part in solving modern-day problems and bringing Europe closer together. This starts with sharing and debating your views with European-minded peers.

Coming Soon!
THE BOARD 2017/2018

Coming Soon!

Philipp is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Economics at Peking University in China. He got involved with European Horizons because he believes that young people can and should provide valuable input to European issues. His main interest lies in EU-China (economic) relations vis à vis a changing global order

Although certainly very different political entities compared to the rest of the globe, I strongly believe that there is more the U.S. and EU have in common than divides them. My interest in European Horizon has therefore always been very straight-forward. How do the U.S. and EU deal with their very comparable problems for their liberal democratic societies and to what extent and how are they cooperating to make a positive impact on an international scale?